Worcester, MA, 01602
Dr. Stevens has over 15 years of experience teaching undergraduates to graduate students across the spectrum of topics in psychology. Additionally, Dr. Stevens presented at numerous conferences both nationally and internationally.
Please contact Dr. Stevens here if you are interested in having him speak at your next event.
Seminar: Affective Neuroscience for Clinicians
This seminar translates affective neuroscience into clinical interventions that therapists can use to help their clients. Topic covered include: Principles of Affective Neuroscience, Four-step model for Working with Emotion in Therapy, Emotion Specific Interventions: Anger, Shame, Complusion, Loneliness, Anxiety, Affect/Memory Reconsolidation.
To download and learn more about this seminar click here.
Dr. Stevens offers workshops on how to effectively understand and respond to emotion in optimizing behavioral outcomes. Below are two workshops. Neuroscience and Racism workshop involves managing shame to prevent implicit racial bias and the Caregiver Empathy and Burnout workshop involves effectively managing empathy to prevent burnout among caregiving professionals.
Please contact Dr. Stevens here if you are interested in offering a workshop.
Workshop: Neuroscience and Racism
This workshop will discuss experiences with racism and stigma, research on implicit bias, and cognitive neuroscience. Special attention will be paid to why racism persists despite its well-documented harms. Participants will gain an understanding of how media images and content unconsciously reinforce racial stereotypes in the brain.
Participants will gain a better understanding of how race-related stimuli are processed in the brain and what can be done from a neuroscientific perspective to relearn or change preconceived beliefs about race and ethnicity.
Participants will also partake in interpersonal interactions. Attendees will have the opportunity to take part in an experiential exercise that can help to alter racist attitudes. Through understanding racism at its most basic neurological level attendees will develop clinical skills in working with their clients around racism and how to better advocate for racial equality.
Workshop: Caregiver Empathy and Burnout
This workshop is designed to help healthcare professionals understand and cope with the burnout that results from the emotional overload of seeing multiple patients in need. Empathy has been considered an important component in caring for those in need. However, research demonstrates that high levels of empathy can also lead to increased burnout.
Research indicates that compassion can provide an antidote to the increased emotional fatigue of having high levels of empathy. Attendees will learn skills to manage burnout and improve emotional well-being at work.